The Jewish Genealogy Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura CountyJGSCV
2017 IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award
JGSCV President Jan Meisels Allen was recognized with the 2017 IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award at the 37th Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. In announcing the award, IAJGS noted "In recognition of many years of service to genealogy, both Jewish and beyond, IAJGS presented their 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award to Jan Meisels Allen. Jan is the founding president of the JGS of Conejo Valley and Ventura County, presently its programming chair, and she has been the program chair of the JGS of Los Angeles. She has served as board member and vice president of the IAJGS and chairs its Public Records Access Monitoring Committee. Jan writes almost daily posts for the IAJGS Leadership List that keep the genealogical community well informed of current items of interest."
"As conference Database Chairperson, Jan has been responsible for the resource room at IAJGS conferences for many years. Beyond Jewish genealogy, she has been a regular speaker at FGS and NGS conferences, at the invitation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum she spoke on access to Holocaust records, and has spoken on records access at European conferences. Her dedication to the cause of genealogical research and drive to work on its behalf has a continual far reaching effect. We are honored to name her as the recipient of this year's award."
Ken Bravo, the newly elected President of the IAJGS commented, "A very well deserved mazel tov to Jan. She is a tireless worker and advocate for Jewish genealogy. I look forward to working with her going forward in my new role as President."
JGSCV offers a hearty Congratulations and now boasts 3 IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award winners including Warren Blatt and Hal Bookbinder.
2017 IAJGS Award
Jan, accepting her award as presented by Marlis Humphrey, outgoing IAJGS president